Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Mortgage and Divorce: Everything You Need to Know

Divorce is never easy – especially when trying to navigate through financial transitions. The best way to ease the stress of the home buying process is to prepare in advance. Although getting approved for a mortgage during a divorce isn’t without its challenges, there are few steps you can take to smooth the process.


Sort Out Your Finances

One of the most proactive ways you can prepare for applying for a mortgage is to sort out your finances in advance. To ensure you can get the best mortgage rate possible, you’ll want to make positive strides towards financial independence.


Separate Accounts

If you’re recently separated or divorced, you’ll want to separate any open accounts as quickly as possible. This will allow mortgage advisors to take an accurate snapshot of your current financial situation. It will also decrease the chances of hitting a snag during the application process.


Watch Your Credit Score

Once you have your accounts sorted out, make sure to maintain good standing in regards to credit history. Paying off balances in full, making payments on time, and avoiding canceling or opening new accounts will help reinforce your credit score over time.


Prepare Your Paperwork

There are several types of documents needed for the mortgage application process. This paperwork is particular important when dealing with a divorce because it provides the lender with the most up to date information regarding your eligibility.


Tax Returns

Having your most recent tax return documentation will help your lender get a clear picture of your recent income as an individual. This is the number that they will use to determine your affordability when searching for homes. If there’s a significant difference in the amount of money you’ve earned in one of the past couple of years, be sure to explain why this happened (whether it be due to illness/injury, maternity leave, some other life change, etc.)


Child Support Documentation

If there was a child support arrangement, having the official documentation from the court will help determine your accurate debt to income ratio. Whether you are paying or receiving child support, it’s important to gather all these documents before the loan application process.


Divorce Decree

After your divorce is finalized, a copy of your divorce decree will be helpful as additional confirmation of separate finances. Since your credit only shows individual history, this is further proof that there are no additional financial obligations such as support.


Taking these steps will ease the transition of applying for a loan as an individual. If you have any questions regarding obtaining a mortgage or eligibility requirements, feel free to contact us.



The post Mortgage and Divorce: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on The Justin Haines Team.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Steps to Take Before Buying a New Home in Arizona

Steps To Take Before Buying a New Home in Arizona


When you make that decision that you are going to buy a new home, it’s normal to want to go out and house shop. That is typically the most fun part of the home buying process after all. Before you go out and do that it’s important that you take the step of getting pre-approved for a loan. Below are 4 tips that will set you up for success and save you time.

  1. No Credit Card Surprises

If you are like most people you probably haven’t checked your credit report in the last year or two. When going through the pre-approval process you will discover any credit report mistakes and find issues that could cause problems in the final stages of the loan process. It really makes for a stress free process by getting these details cleared before moving forward.

  1. Understand Your Budget

We all want that three-story colonial with Viking appliances, granite counters and a swimming pool with a big back yard. Does that really fit your budget though? This is another area where pre-approval comes into play. You will have a estimate on your price range before you go shopping around.

  1. Find The Best Lender in Your Area

You want to make sure you are working with the right lender at terms that work for you.  Once you are pre-approved for a loan this is a great next step to take on your home buying journey. It is always good to do a google search of the top phoenix mortgage lenders to see what other customers are saying about their experience. Your local bank is not always the best answer.

  1. Showing You Are Serious About Buying

A lot of people go to open houses, imagining how they would remodel the home to suit their tastes but don’t get pre-approved. If you actually go through the pre-approval process for a new home it shows the realtor that you have all your paperwork in order and are actually able to make the purchase. If you want a good agent to work for you they will want to make sure that you are serious about buying before investing their time and energy into finding your dream home.

Ready to Get Pre-Approved For a Home Loan?

If you are looking to buy a home in the Phoenix area then you will want to go through an experienced home loan officer to help you get pre-approved. There are quite a few different home loan programs available and it is best to look at all the options to decide what would meet your goals. If you have any questions you can call or text at 602-492-3602 or contact us!


The post Steps to Take Before Buying a New Home in Arizona appeared first on The Justin Haines Team.

6 Reasons Life Is Better As a Homeowner

6 Reasons Life Is Better As a Homeowner

When it comes to owning vs renting a home, the never-ending debate between homeowners and renters never seems to have any clear winner. The former talk about the pride of owning your own place, while the latter focus on the flexibility of not being tied down to one location.

As with most hot topics, both parties may very well have their arguments, but, I can pretty much tell you that buying a home is like most things in life…

You really have to make the change in order to truly appreciate its benefits.

With that in mind, here’s a list of things that simply make life better when you’re a homeowner:

1. You wake up in the morning and you know it’s yours

It may sound cheesy, but homeownership has been a staple of the American Dream for as long as that concept has been around, and with good reason.

There’s just something about waking up inside a place that is definitely, irrevocably yours.

Feel like installing a trampoline in the living room? You got it.

Want to dress up your walls in purple fur? Sure, why not.

When you own the place you can pretty much do anything you can imagine.

2. You don’t have to worry about increasing monthly payments

No matter how nice your landlord is, chances are that sooner or later he’ll want to maximize the return on his property.

This means that as a renter you’re just going to have to deal with occasional price hikes if you want to stay in the same place for longer periods of time. These tend to cancel out whatever savings you may accrue as a result of not paying for maintenance or repair works.

Using a mortgage to buy a home, on the other hand, often comes with the added benefit of having a fixed monthly payment that won’t change regardless of property values. This translates to less headaches and more financial predictability down the line.

3. You get plenty of tax breaks

Buying a house can require some money out of pocket up front, but it all tends to payoff pretty soon even if the value of your property stays the same.

Now, I’m not a tax person so verify this information with your preferred tax consultant, but my guy says there are numerous tax advantages to owning a home. For one, you can deduct your mortgage interest from your tax obligations. You’ll also be able to claim your origination fees the first year you buy a home. They usually hover around 1% of the total price, which can lead to considerable savings. Last but not least, the property taxes you pay for your primary residence are fully deductible for income tax purposes.

These are all measures promoted by the government to incentivize renters to take that that final leap of faith towards becoming homeowners.

4. It’s better than a savings account

When you rent a house or apartment, you’re basically paying another person for the courtesy of allowing you to borrow their space.

The process of owning a home changes that. When you pay monthly installments on your house, you’re paying yourself to live in your home by putting more and more money into your equity and saving it for a later date.

Moreover, while there’s no absolute guarantee that housing values will always keep rising, research shows that housing tends to beat inflation by a couple of percentage points per year over the long term. This means that your house could continue to appreciate in value at a rate higher than the national inflation, making you slightly wealthier year after year.

5. You get to take advantage of an economy in flux

The economic downturn of 2007 – 2010 took a hit on homeownership, but now that the economy is recovering, the numbers are on the rise again. What’s remarkable is that interest rates and mortgage fees haven’t gone up with them.

That’s because, despite a steadily improving economy, the Federal Reserve has yet to take steps towards implementing higher rates. This means that right now you can still get the best of both worlds: the homebuyer advantages brought on by the economic crisis, along with the benefit of a higher purchasing power due to growth in the private sector.

This kind of situation won’t last forever, and it’s likely that 2015 may be the last hurrah for some time.

Be smart now and you’ll thank yourself later. (Get Pre-Approved for an Arizona Home Loan)

6. Flexibility is still on the table, if you want it

This is a big one, since many people use the “F” word (that’s “F” for “flexibility”, folks) to explain why they prefer renting to buying. Personally, it’s what also kept me from seriously considering homeownership for a very long time. But thinking about it in terms of flexibility is a fallacy. If anything, owning your home offers you more flexibility.

That’s because, whenever you do decide to move on, you could have the benefit of a starting out with considerable initial capital from selling the house. You can also put your home up for rent even before you’ve finished paying off the mortgage, and have renters pay you each month while you go on to the next place. The possibilities are endless.

Overall, homeownership shouldn’t be seen as an untouchable pipe dream reserved only for the few and fortunate. There are very real solutions available for normal people like you and I and anybody who truly wants to have a place they can call their own. With the right mindset and a dedicated professional at your side, you’ll be able secure a little slice of heaven and see that life is better as a homeowner.

Do you want to know how much home you could qualify for? We can help you take the first step and that is to get pre-qualified for a phoenix home loan, contact us.

The post 6 Reasons Life Is Better As a Homeowner appeared first on The Justin Haines Team.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

test jm


The post test jm appeared first on The Justin Haines Team.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What is an FHA Loan?

What is an FHA Loan?

A Federal Housing Administration, (or FHA,) loan is a mortgage that is insured by the FHA in order to protect approved lenders should you experience difficulties affording the monthly payment. FHA home loans are very popular among first-time buyers as they allow for lower down payments. Typically you would need to find 3.5% of the purchase price if your credit score is 580+ or 10% if your credit score is between 500 and 579.

What else do I need to know about FHA Home Loans?

  • You should be aware that, if approved for an FHA loan, you have to pay mortgage insurance premiums, which will protect the lender should you default on your payments.
  • You also need to remember that the lower your credit score is, the higher the interest rate is likely to be.
  • You will need to have a steady employment history or be able to prove that you have worked for the same employer for at least two years.
  • You need a valid Social Security number.
  • Be a lawful resident of the U.S.
  • Old enough to be able to sign a mortgage in your state.
  • You will only be able to apply for a new FHA loan for somewhere which will be your primary residence.
  • You must obtain a property appraisal from a FHA-approved appraiser to prove that the home is worth the money you wish to borrow.

What are the benefits of FHA loans?

  • FHA loans are easier to qualify for than a ‘standard’ mortgage, as a lower down payment is needed.
  • Those who have either low or bad credit, or been in the unfortunate position of being foreclosed upon, or faced bankruptcy may still be able to qualify for an FHA loan.

Are there any down sides to an FHA Loan?

Because FHA Loans are not subject to the same stringent qualifying procedures as conventional mortgages, it is necessary to have 2 kinds of mortgage insurance premiums:

  • Upfront mortgage insurance premium (UFMIP) – a ‘one-off’ upfront payment which may be added onto the amount of the mortgage.
  • Annual MIP is actually charged as a monthly premium and will vary, dependent on length of loan and amount borrowed.

Questions? We can help. Contact us today. 

The post What is an FHA Loan? appeared first on The Justin Haines Team.

The Top 3 Phoenix Neighborhoods for Young Families

The Top 3 Phoenix Neighborhoods for Young Families

Obviously it will end up being a personal choice as to which are the best neighborhoods in Phoenix suitable for young families, but here are some suggestions which could help you make an informed decision as to where to buy a property.

Gilbert, a suburb of Phoenix is highly rated in the ‘A’ category as to being great for families, weather and health and fitness. The average property price is just below $245,000 and a reported 72% of residents own their own homes, rather than renting. Residents state that ‘Gilbert is clean and pretty’; ‘…education and infrastructure are superb’; ‘…it’s an excellent place to raise children and go to school’.

Chandler is the next highly-rated area for bringing up families. Again, it rates well for education, weather and housing for families. Average property prices are just above $230,000, making it a very affordable, as well as desirable area. Population is around quarter of a million. Intel and Wells Fargo are 2 of the major employers in the area and it can boast the title of ‘Playful City USA’, for taking a forward-thinking decision to make play a priority, meaning that it is a wonderful area to raise children.

Desert View is a smaller, more intimate area of Phoenix with a population of around 63,000. Properties are a little higher-priced in this area at around $350,000, but this could be down to exclusivity. Around 70% of residents are home-owners and they report the area as being good for housing, schools and families. 26% of the population are aged 17 or younger and so you can be assured that there will be plenty of new friends for your children.

Questions? We can help. Contact us today. 

The post The Top 3 Phoenix Neighborhoods for Young Families appeared first on The Justin Haines Team.

Phoenix Housing Market: 2018 Predictions

Phoenix Housing Market: 2018 Predictions

We are all aware of the tremendous volatility which has been seen in the Phoenix housing market over the last ten years, but reports show that the situation will become more stable during 2018. Home prices are set to rise by around 3.5% which is far more reasonable than what has been seen during the ‘boom and bust’ years.

The last 12 months have seen rises of around 9.5% but that was unusual and far higher than the historical figures over the previous 30 years or so. Although some major price gains have been seen during the last 2 years, it is highly unlikely that they will get back to the (over-inflated) figures seen amid the previous housing boom.

This being a more certain future, home buyers will now be facing a less unstable time and be able to feel more confident in their decision that 2018 is the right time to buy a property in Phoenix. $268,000 was the average property price during June 2017 and so it should still be possible to purchase a property in 2018 for less than $300,000.

Due to the fact that there are a limited number of properties available across the Metro area, competition is still likely to be high with many buyers competing for the same property. Demand is currently outstripping supply and there does not seem to be enough new properties being built to satisfy an ever-growing population. This is even truer in desirable areas.

With this level of competition, it would make sense to be well-prepared when viewing a property – show the seller that you are serious by having all your paperwork and bank statements in order and a pre-approved mortgage in place. If you are a cash buyer, make sure that you can prove it – sellers have come to expect this level of preparedness.

Questions? We can help. Contact us today.

The post Phoenix Housing Market: 2018 Predictions appeared first on The Justin Haines Team.